Saturday, September 14, 2019

Even Junk can be fodder for a Philosophycal argument

The first effort is to extract the essential terms of the arguments, to establish the boundaries, in order to preserve the abstract and 'universal'.
In this article there is lots of heat and smoke but very little light. Yet the elements that generate the combustion are there: combustible (the matter that will burn), source of heat,  and comburent.
After reading through it, identify the core, the essence of the argument and write it in the Comment. Don't let yourself be distracted by the characters, by the chicken feed of the details, by the "cui prodest"?
What is the true question we should deal with?


  1. Trump has gone too far with his racial comments. His racial comments has caused an uproar in the United States of America and in other countries who are associated with the US. He represents the US and he is giving the country a bad image in the eyes of others. The main question: is Donald Trump a racist? That’s the main question of the article.

  2. Trump does not have a filter when it comes to political answers and comments. He says the first thing that comes to mind without thinking of the consequences. He says that the United States constantly give money to countries and they do not exceed and rather support countries in Europe. That is the simple way of stating white supremacy thoughts. Trump prefers white immigrants over other races. Not only is he saying these ignorant comments but also initiating new immigration acts. He says a lot of things without realizing the alliances and agreements the US has with these ‘inferior’ countries. What he says impacts a lot of different groups and how they are seen. The true question is does Trump represent the United States as a racist?

  3. Although the most broad question of the article was is Trump a racist, I believe that it was intended to create a deeper thought and invoke the reader on the idea of Internal Beliefs V. Spoken Word. While the passage manages to inform me on the racists comments of Trump, I am also seeing the ones who do and dont politically support him come to the same conclusion that many people think like that. They dont hold him accountable for his actions rather justify it as a norm and let the heat die out. I believe there's a issue that the article brings out and it's that if internally we all think what Trump is saying then something is wrong internally within society. When Trump leaves those ideas won.

  4. Is Trump racist or is he just saying what everyone thinks? Well of course he's saying what most people think which is why he got into power. He is also being racist as well. No matter how you put it or how the article wants to sugar code it. WHen hitler started targeting the Jews he didn't do it in one big swoop. He did it little by little making everyone thing this will pass. I believe the question is what are his true intentions for this country?

  5. Is Trump really a racist? I think and the article justifies it as well. His intentions may not be to discriminate against other races however he does a really good job at keeping that up. The article however does shed light on the bad side of Donald Trump as much and tries to show more of his good side. They showcase words that aren’t as harsh and in an unconscious way try to defend him. Donald Trump is a racist as he does target many people of other races and their ethnicities. The article gives examples of people who see him as a racist however there are many documented times that he has been racist to many people. Many were frustrated by his actions and words however he has hurt and been racist to more than we know.

  6. The way trump talks is as if he’s talking blandly with no care about how it’ll affect anyone. The way he sounds is awful and racist and doesn’t do any good. Even though he’s saying such things that are racist there are people who still vote for him and bring his name up while he makes the entirety of the country look racist. The true question we should deal with is who is actually on the good side of this spectrum?

  7. Ever since I was a child in the 80's I remember Donald Trump being a person who was Insulting to women, we was a known bigotted against all uneducated people. He even has gone as far as declaring himself to be the most intelligent person in any situation. Truth be told, that he has done a lot for New York City and his partnership with Rudy Giuliani and his many powerful friends have given him the power to say whatever he likes without a filter. Even the American voter has given him this right to carry out his version of what America should be. Regretfully, the American voter sees that they have made a mistake according to approval ratings and polls.

    His comments regarding "Shithole Countries" being allowed in to meetings is spot on with how Donald Trump speaks and views others who are not wealthy or influential. This comment encompasses El Salvador, Haiti, Syrian Refugees and Islamic or specifically Muslim nations. The way Trump speaks of these nations as a whole is indeed racism.

  8. Nicholas Rogers DillonSeptember 22, 2019 at 8:03 PM

    The core argument in this article is that reaction to Trump's rhetoric can fit into one of three general categories, and that these three categories have become scripted responses rather than genuine critiques.
    The first asserts that Trump's core message is valid, but is discredited by his rhetoric. The second asserts that Trump's core message is valid, and remains valid regardless of his rhetoric. The third asserts Trump's core message is fundamentally invalid, and his crass rhetoric is evidence of his invalid message. Therefore, the article aims to leave us asking ourselves if the national debate around Trump's rhetoric is substantive, or if it has become reactionary.

  9. Racism in America has been moved tot he forefront because of the langange that is used by Donald Trump and his allies. Racism was not really a topic that wwas discussed in the way that it is being discussed now. What is happening now in America with racism is also being reflected in other parts of the world People see how the president is acting and either they attempt to copy it or they simply ingnore it. Either way, this is damaging the way the world sees us as a nation.


5. L'Emigrante (2)

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