Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Giuliani Divorce: It’s Ugly, It’s Operatic. What Did You Expect?


Am I oversensitive, or is there a bit of stereotyping in this headline?
Here is the LINK to the article.


  1. Well, considering their wedding was lavish and very public, as well as their support during 9/11 didn't go quietly. This couple was made in the public spotlight and looks like will go out in it as well. I have never been a follower of the Giuliani's but when ever the name is mentioned it is in high caliber situations that are very public. The headline is very dramatic to say the least.

  2. I can see why it may seem like a stereotype headline. Though I think it's more of a dramatic headling, just to make someone read the article. Then again I can't help but wonder can there be a bigger meaning behind the headline?

  3. Nicholas Rogers DillonSeptember 24, 2019 at 12:22 AM

    I don't see "Operatic" in this article as stereotyping. I did not see anything in the article to indicate stereotyping either. I believe it is in reference to Giuliani's notoriously bombastic personality rather than his Italian heritage. Giuliani has never been able to maintain a low key personal life. His personality tends to over-complicate and dramatize everything he comes in contact with, for better, or in this case, worse.

  4. I read this article and I can see that the headline making this divorce look like it is a part of a soap opera. The divorce involving a well known figure in the world of politics and New York, that man is Rudy Giuliani. Though I can't seem to look at the headline as stereotypical, it sounds more dramatic than stereotypical.

  5. I see the operatic aspect of the whole situation, and I believe in karma so it seems that the Mayor had it coming for him since he decided to go public with his relationship. I do sense some light stereotyping but the type of character being describe is not one in a racial category but more a characteristic one.

  6. The writers of article makes fun of the situation. Their divorce was serious but it was almost comical in the way it was described. Like a drama and comedy in one instead of something bigger than that.


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